Progress 3%

Thinking about your organisation's HR strategy and the impact this has on your wider business, such as finance and IT, in your opinion what are the biggest challenges you face? Please tick all that apply.

The purpose of our surveys is to share information in a confidential and trusting manner. Exec Survey conduct surveys on a variety of topics on behalf of itself or its partners. Our clients provide Exec Survey with a brief setting out the types of individuals from whom we should seek answers. Exec Survey then reviews its database and subsequently send out invites to individuals matching the brief to partake in an online survey.

Exec Survey will only share the complete results of a survey internally or with its survey partners. We only publicise the overall survey outcome and any resulting insights and recommendations via our website and targeted media. We ensure we do not reveal any personal information about the individual and that all data is treated as confidential. However we may use the data as evidence for future work by Exec Survey or its partner, Exec News.